miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

The Coordinator of RYLF 2010 talks about The Progressive Generation

Personal quote: "Each of us has a pair of wings, but only those who dream learn to fly." Jim Morrison

1. What made you join AIESEC  and how has that decision influenced your future?

     I’ve joined AIESEC because one of my friends I  admire told me about the organization with loads of enthusiasm and passion. That raised my interest for AIESEC and after two years when I joined the University in Cluj I knew that I must join AIESEC. I’m sure that if I wouldn’t have been in AIESEC I wouldn’t be the person I am today. People had the biggest impact on me and the learning environment I’ve lived and work in had put its fingerprint on me as an individual.  I’ve learned in AIESEC that anything can be achieved, you just have to dream big and follow the path towards your dream. If at the beginning some things might seem impossible, in AIESEC you learn they are not. Each step in part I’ve made in AIESEC led my life on the path I am today.

2. Can you describe how you have progressed  as  a member in this organization?

     I can say that my progress in AIESEC was a T based experience on organizing events. I was several times Organizing Committee Vice President  for Regional and National Conferences. In 2010 I’ve ran for Organizing Committee President for the biggest national conference in AIESEC Romania (Romania Youth Leadership Forum) and I’ve  had the opportunity to coordinate a team of 11 people at the beginning and 20 afterwards, for more than 8 months. 
     My last experience in AIESEC was Congress Committee Teamster for International Congress in Kenya 2011. I’ve lived for two months in Kenya and I’ve worked together with other 54 beautiful individuals from 30 different countries in delivering IC 2011. My next step in AIESEC is applying for an MT exchange in the field of project management or events management.

3. How can you define a progressive generation?

     When the new generation is taking further the knowledge, information, good case practices, know how but still contributes with the own added value to all that the past generation owed, you can say that this new generation is a progressive one.

Alexandra Bese, Coordinator of Romanian Youth Leadership Forum 2010

marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

From Alumni About The Progressive Generation

“A mind or a horizon once enlarged, it can never get back to its original dimensions. Educate … and you can change the world”

1)      What made you join AIESEC and how has that decision influenced your future?

      When I joined AIESEC (in the beginning of my second year of university studies) I was in a moment of searching something new for my life. I assisted a Big Picture presentation in the Aula Magna of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, and the energy, the friendship, the passion, the internationalism I have seen among the members of this organization convinced me to be part of it. That time I did not have too much self confidence, so I just hoped that I will be accepted by this organization throughout the interviews and tests. I made it through, and this way I started the most intensive process of self conquering and mind expanding of my life. Only after 6 months of hard working in AIESEC, as a team member for a department and several projects, after attending local and national conferences, I realized that I will never ever be able to go back to a normal student life. I also realized that the more you give in AIESEC, the more you get in terms of personal and professional development. That was just the beginning, since the next 5 years in AIESEC gave me much more: the believe that I can really achieve anything I want in life, the confidence of talking one to one with senior managers from companies, the experience of living and working abroad, all the professional development and the relevant CV experience that allowed me to get easily hired in multinational companies. In the first job after AIESEC – with Procter and Gamble – I became a middle manager, even though I was the youngest among the team members that I was coordinating in 3 countries. But more important than anything, in AIESEC I have met a very special AIESECer that over the years became my wife. I would say that this is quite an influence over my life.  

2)      Can you describe how you have progressed as a member in this organization?

      On short, I was a member of the AIESEC Bucharest for a year, than I was elected as a vice-president in charge with Talent Management, I had an almost 2 months international experience in Adana- Turkey, a year later I was a trainer in the National Trainers Team, then joined for 2 months an AIESEC local committee from Brussels, another year later I was elected as National Vice-President of Talent Management in the National Committee of AIESEC in Belgium. Then upon my return to Romania, I became proud alumni.

3)      How can you define a progressive generation?

    I would define it as a generation that is motivated and committed to question the current status quo of the world, and to move it forward to another level of thinking. A progressive generation is challenging the current reality, especially the downsides and is active involved in generating a large movement, a powerful mind shift – which is usually affecting NGOs, companies and governmental institutions. During the time of the progressive generation, the whole world is moving forward. I believe that no progressive generations is born in good times, when the young members of the society are happy with the reality, they join jobs in companies and have a comfortable live. I believe that progressive generations are born in times of hardship, during crisis periods: economical crisis, resources crises, water crises, environment crises, but most important moral crises (sounds familiar?). Such a period becomes the best cradle for a PROGRESSIVE GENERATION.

                                                          Stefan Palarie,President of  School of Values

miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011

From Alumni about The Progressive Generation

1. What made you join AIESEC and how has that decision influienced your future?

    I joined AIESEC by mistake and stayed because of the international, personal and professional opportunities that it offer. Every decision that you make will influence your future in one way or another, in my case AIESEC was a good choice, i spent almost 5 years abroad living in 3 different countries, enjoying cultural diversity while gaining personal and professional development.

2. Can you describe how you have progressed as a member in this organization?

'04-'05 I was LCVP OGX AIESEC Pitesti 
'05-'06 I was LCP of AIESEC Pitesti
'06-'07 I had an internship in Canada
'07-'08 I was MCVP Exchange in AIESEC Lithuania
'08-'09 I was NTTC in AIESEC Lithuania

 3. How can you define a progressive generation?

   If i would be to mix Strauss and Howe with AIESEC than i would say that a progressive generation should be a generation with strong social and political opinions. A generation that understands what is the result of their actions and can see the long term benefits of what they do. I would define a progressive generation as a socially involved group, action and result oriented, with the ability to think and act not only for themselves, but for their communities and society.

Daniel Moldoveanu, Alumnus AIESEC Romania

luni, 31 octombrie 2011

The Agenda Managers talk about the conference agenda

   Romanian Youth Leadership Forum, cea mai mare conferinţă din AIESEC România este compusă din mai multe evenimente si forumuri, fiecare vrând sa te inveţe, să te pună pe gânduri, să îţi arate mai multe laturi ale carierei tale în AIESEC, dar mai ales a carierei tale de după AIESEC.

    Ai pus vreodată sub semnul întrebării eficienţa proceselor educaţionale din ţara noastră?  Fii prezent la Forumul Educaţional şi vei avea şansa să întrebi direct reprezentanţi ai Ministerului Educaţiei, ai mediului Universitar sau ai educaţiei non- formale. Vei avea şansa să auzi ce părere au ei şi ce soluţii putem găsi împreună, pentru un sistem educaţional mai eficient în România.

   Eşti proaspăt intrat în Team Member Program? Vrei să înveţi cât mai multe lucruri noi? Eşti membru experimentat şi te gândeşti la un Team Leader Program?
Atunci nu trebuie să ratezi Competencies Building Day unde vei beneficia de traininguri şi workshopuri livrate de alumni AIESEC. De la Time şi Task Management până la Being a Team Player or a Team Leader, Inteligenta Emotionala şi Creative ways of achieiving your goals, poţi alege trainingurile care îţi vor servi cel mai mult în cariera ta de AIESECer.

Dar cum rămâne cu dezvoltarea ta ca și lider?
Cum poți ajunge să ai succes și pe cine poți avea ca si model?

   Fii prezent la Inspire Leadership și provoacă la discuție invitații noștrii. Află de la ei cum definesc succesul și actul de a fi lider. Află cum au ajuns să aibe succes, ce fel de lideri se consideră și ce drum au ales să ajungă acolo. S-ar putea să aveți drumuri similare și să îți găsești un exemplu de ce vrei și tu să fii.

   De cate ori te-ai întrebat “Cum se face într-o companie ce fac eu acum în AIESEC” sau “Ce învăț în AIESEC pot sa aplic într-un job”? Daca te-ai întrebat cel puțin o dată, înseamnă că ți-ai găsit răspunsul la o alta întrebare și anume “Cu ce mă ajută să vin la RYLF și să particip la Youth 2 Business”?

Alte întrebări pe care poți să ți le pui sunt:
·         Astept să mi se spună sau să întreb ce nu știu?
·         Cred că pot asimila și adapta ce se întâmplă în companii pe aria mea?
·         Pot reprezenta AIESEC-ul într-o discuție și să valorific cunoștințele aduse de cealaltă parte într-o discuție comparativă?

   Noi te aşteptăm cu drag, cu mintea deschisă, cu întrebări, cu idei, cu provocări! Această conferinţă nu îţi va servi nimic cu linguriţa, tu eşti cel care va trebui să iei din ea ce ai nevoie!

Cristina Bănuţă & Cătălin Adam, Agenda Managers of RYLF 2011